Large Council Chamber Old Town Hall – Passau

| Passau |

Old art in a new light

If you think of the Campanile in Venice when you see the Old Town Hall in Passau, you’re not entirely wrong, because the Old Town Hall on the banks of the Danube was built in Venetian style around 1405, but it origins go back to the 13th century. After the great fire of 1662, the city then lay in ruins and was largely rebuilt in Baroque style by the Italian master builders Lurago and Carlone.

They also designed the Large Council Chamber of the Town Hall with its eloborate stucco in the form of coffered panels and medaillons. Decorated in the 19th century with historical mural paintings and stained glass windows, the hall ist now mainly used for representative purposes, concerts and events.

Black anodised LED-Lucs 60 installed on the column capitals are used to illuminate the magnificent ceilings. Small and inconspicuous, they remain largely unnoticed, but have immense radiance and illuminate the works of art gently and energy-efficiently without UV components and with only little heat


Light design: HL Lichttechnik

product pictures: Peter von Pigage

Photos: TTC Timmler Technology

City of Passau: Mr. M. Freier

Reference document

Large Council Chamber Old Town Hall

Press: LICHT Issue 07.22.

Used Products

LED Luc-60-1
